Employers who access services through our OMJ Centers will experience professional services to assist you in recruiting qualified and skilled employees.  Your Workforce needs will be a priority.


  • Job Postings:  Our Workforce Specialists can build quality job postings for you.  You may also choose to post your own using the OhioMeansJobs.com website.

  • Job Boards:  Each of our OMJ Center resource rooms have Job Boards which are readily available to the Job Seekers visiting our centers.

  • Interview Rooms:  Whether you need a private room to interview individuals or a large conference room for a hiring event, our OMJ Centers can accomdate your need.  Our staff will be available to help you in facilitating your event.

  • Prescreening Services:  We can distribute forms and coordinate your application process.

Our Business Services Specialist, Renee Harden, can be reached at (740) 380-0411 or e-mail at renee.harden@jfs.ohio.gov.  Renee can assist with making arrangements to accomodate your needs.

Public Assistance

Public assistance refers to government programs that provide funding to communities, individuals and families in need. Examples include: Cash Assistance, Food Assistance, Medicaid, Child Care Assistance, Transportation Assistance and Fraud.


Our strong partnership with many state and local organizations offer opportunities to job seekers in their path to finding rewarding employment while assisting employers in building a successful workforce.

Child Support

Child Support is money paid by a parent, who isn’t living with his or her children, to help cover the cost of their care. Child Support helps guarantee that children’s basic needs are met: from food, shelter and clothes to education, transportation and medical expenses.

Protective Services

We provide protective services to the elderly and children who are in danger of harm, unable to protect themselves, and/or have no one else to assist them. SCOJFS is mandated to investigate and evaluate all reports of suspected abuse and neglect.